Living Landscapes Lab
We integrate natural and social sciences to address fundamental research questions and real-world environmental problems.
Living Landscapes…
…are mosaics of natural and working lands that support biodiversity, people, and the crucial interactions between them. Managing these dynamic systems for their multiple values is key to a sustainable future for our planet. That's why Living Landscapes are at the heart of our research and engagement efforts.
We Ask…
How does land management affect biodiversity and ecosystem services? How can conservation protect biodiversity and improve human well-being? How do we meet the needs of people and biodiversity in an increasingly crowded, changing world?
To find answers…
We collaborate widely; use field experiments, spatial models, and data synthesis; and we team up with landowners, leaders, and non-profits to inform real-world decisions.
To communicate our findings…
We publish our work in peer-reviewed articles and produce practical tools to help guide policies and decisions.
We also strive for open science, so all our data are made publicly-available whenever possible.
To encourage diversity…
We are committed to creating an inclusive community of scholars - one that is full of creative collaborations and supportive relationships.